"; $apikey = $_COOKIE['apikey']; if ($apikey=="") { $apikey = $_GET['apikey']; } $show_loc_ID = $_GET['show_loc_ID']; $show_show_ID = $_GET['show_show_ID']; $show_game_date = $_GET['show_game_date']; $qsi = $_GET['qsi']; $m = $_GET['m']; if ($m=="") { $m = $_POST['m']; } $url = "https://triviocity.com/api.php?m=".$m."&apikey=".$apikey."&show_loc_ID=".$show_loc_ID."&show_show_ID=".$show_show_ID."&show_game_date=".$show_game_date."&qsi=".$qsi; //echo $url."
"; $content = file_get_contents($url); //echo $content."
"; $x1 = explode("*--*--*", $content); $show_schedule = $x1[0]; $adspace = $x1[1]; $pregame = $x1[2]; $questions = $x1[3]; $freqplayed = $x1[4]; $local_files = $x1[5]; $apiuser = $x1[6]; $user_ID = $apiuser; $apiregion = $x1[7]; $region_ID = $apiregion; $user_info = $x1[8]; $feud = $x1[9]; $expire = (time() + (60*60*24*30)); $show_type = $_GET['show_type']; $v = $_GET['v']; //echo "V: ".$v."
"; //echo "M: ".$m."
"; if ($v=="load_begins") { //echo $user_info; //echo "
"; setcookie("user_ID", $apiuser, $expire, "/", "localhost"); //echo $region_ID."

"; //$region_ID = $_COOKIE['region_ID']; setcookie("region_ID", $region_ID, $expire, "/", "localhost"); } chdir('trivia'); if ($v == "load_begins") { //get schedule //get settings //get file changes $xa = explode("^*^", $show_schedule); $xb = explode("|", $xa[1]); #begin show schedule import //echo "Getting Show Schedule
"; $num_shows = $xa[0]; $a = 0; $delete = "delete from show_schedule_local"; mysqli_query($local, $delete); $ss = $num_shows; //echo $num_shows."
"; chdir('images'); mkdir('loc'); chdir('loc'); mkdir($region_ID); chdir($region_ID); //echo getcwd(); while ($a < ($num_shows + 1)) { $show_info = $xb[$a]; //echo $a.": ".$show_info."
"; $xc = explode("^^", $show_info); $sched_ID = $xc[0]; $question_set_id = $xc[1]; $game_date = $xc[2]; $logo_loc = $xc[3]; $corp_event = $xc[4]; $loc_ID = $xc[5]; $show_ID = $xc[6]; $loc_name = $xc[7]; $show_type = $xc[8]; //echo $loc_name."
"; if ($sched_ID != "") { //download logo... $remote_l = "https://www.triviocity.com/" . $logo_loc; //echo $remote_l."
"; if ($remote_l != "https://www.triviocity.com/") { $replace_string = "images/loc/" . $region_ID . "/"; $logo_loc_temp = str_replace($replace_string, "", $logo_loc); copy($remote_l, $logo_loc_temp); } $insert = "insert into show_schedule_local (sched_ID, user_ID, region_ID, game_date, loc_ID, show_ID, loc_name, show_type, question_set_id, logo_loc, corp_event) values ('" . $sched_ID . "', '" . $user_ID . "', '" . $region_ID . "', '" . $game_date . "', '" . $loc_ID . "', '" . $show_ID . "', '" . $loc_name . "', '" . $show_type . "', '" . $question_set_id . "', '" . $logo_loc . "', '" . $corp_event . "')"; //echo "
"; mysqli_query($local, $insert); //$ss = $ss."|".$loc_name."^^".$game_date."^^".$show_type; } if ($loc_ID != "") { $delete = "delete from adspace where loc_ID = " . $loc_ID . " and show_ID = " . $show_ID; //echo $delete . "
"; mysqli_query($local, $delete); } //echo $game_date; //$pd = date('l, m/d/Y', strtotime($game_date)); $a = ($a + 1); } chdir('../'); chdir('../'); chdir('../'); //echo getcwd(); //echo json_encode($ss); $xa = ""; $xb = ""; $xc = ""; #end show schedule import $xa = explode("^*^", $local_files); $num_l = ($xa[0] + 1); $xb = explode("|", $xa[1]); $a = 0; //echo $num_l."
"; while ($a < $num_l) { //echo $a."
"; $file_info = $xb[$a]; //echo $file_info."
"; $xc = explode("^^", $file_info); $local_file_ID = $xc[0]; $dir = $xc[1]; $subdir = $xc[2]; $filename = $xc[3]; $game_system = $xc[4]; $info = $xc[5]; //does this file exist in local_files_history //if not, grab file if ($local_file_ID != "") { $query = "select local_file_history_ID from local_files_history where local_file_ID = " . $local_file_ID; //echo $query."
"; $result = mysqli_query($local, $query); $num = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($num == 0 || $num == "") { //insert into local_file_history //get file if ($dir != "" && $dir != "root") { chdir($dir); if ($subdir != "") { chdir($subdir); } } //get the file... if ($dir != "" && $dir != "root") { chdir('../'); if ($subdir != "") { chdir('../'); } } $remote_path = $filename; $remote_path = str_replace("php", "txt", $filename); $file_path = $filename; if ($dir == "root") { $remote_path = "https://www.triviocity.com/local_files/" . $remote_path; } else { if ($subdir == "") { $remote_path = "https://www.triviocity.com/" . $dir . "/" . $remote_path; } else { $remote_path = "https://www.triviocity.com/" . $dir . "/" . $subdir . "/" . $remote_path; } } $insert = "insert into local_files_history (local_file_ID, user_ID, date_downloaded, downloaded, uu_ID) values (" . $local_file_ID . ", " . $user_ID . ", '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "', 'Y', '" . $uu_ID . "')"; mysqli_query($local, $insert); } } $a = ($a + 1); } $x = explode("|", $user_info); $auto_num_teams = $x[0]; $final_score_update = $x[1]; $halftime_score_option = $x[2]; $final_score_option = $x[3]; $split_after = $x[4]; $timer_default = $x[5]; $timer_default_bonus = $x[6]; if ($final_score_update!="") { setcookie("final_score_update", $final_score_update, $expire, "/", "localhost"); } if ($final_score_option!="") { setcookie("final_score_option", $final_score_option, $expire, "/", "localhost"); } if ($halftime_score_option!="") { setcookie("halftime_score_option", $halftime_score_option, $expire, "/", "localhost"); } if ($auto_num_teams!="") { setcookie("auto_num_teams", $auto_num_teams, $expire, "/", "localhost"); } if ($split_after=="") { $split_after = $_COOKIE['split_after']; if ($split_after=="") { $split_after = 12; } } setcookie("split_after", $split_after, $expire, "/", "localhost"); $delete = "delete from user_settings where user_ID = " . $user_ID; mysqli_query($local, $delete); $insert = "insert into user_settings (auto_num_teams, final_score_update, halftime_score_option, final_score_option, split_after, timer_default, timer_default_bonus, user_ID) values ('" . $auto_num_teams . "', '" . $final_score_update . "', '" . $halftime_score_option . "', '" . $final_score_option . "', '" . $split_after . "', '".$timer_default."', '".$timer_default_bonus."', '" . $user_ID . "')"; //echo $insert."
"; mysqli_query($local, $insert); $url = "Location: index.php"; header($url); } elseif ($m=="") { ?> Team Trivia | Local Loader ">
"; if ($show_type=="trivia") { $xquery = "select * from questions where game_date = '".$show_game_date."' and question_set_id = ".$qsi; //echo $xquery."
"; $xresult = mysqli_query($local, $xquery); $xnum = mysqli_num_rows($xresult); //echo "NUM: ".$xnum."
"; if ($xnum==0) { ?>
DOWNLOAD GAME "; if ($xnum > 0) { if ($show_game_date==$todayis) { ?> GO TO GAME NAVIGATION


"; $xa = explode("^*^", $questions); $num_q = ($xa[0] + 1); //echo $num_pre; $xb = explode("|", $xa[1]); $a = 0; //echo "
"; mkdir('inserts'); chdir('inserts'); //echo "INSERTS?: " . getcwd() . "
"; while ($a < $num_q) { $questions = $xb[$a]; //echo $questions . "
"; $xc = explode("^^", $questions); $id = $xc[0]; $q_game_date = $xc[1]; $game_round = $xc[2]; $qno = $xc[3]; $question = $xc[4]; $question = str_replace("'", "'", $question); $answer = $xc[5]; $answer = str_replace("'", "'", $answer); $host_info = $xc[6]; $host_info = str_replace("'", "'", $host_info); $display_category = $xc[7]; $display_category = str_replace("'", "'", $display_category); $category = $xc[8]; $category = str_replace("'", "'", $category); $question_set_id = $xc[9]; $answerofnight = $xc[10]; $answerofnight = str_replace("'", "'", $answerofnight); $hintofweek = $xc[11]; $q_region_ID = $xc[12]; $orig_ID = $xc[13]; $sources = $xc[14]; $show_qsi = $question_set_id; $media_answer = $xc[15]; $media_answer_url = $xc[16]; $media_question = $xc[17]; $media_question_url = $xc[18]; if ($id != "") { //echo $a.": ".$questions."
"; //does this question already exist? if so, don't insert... $query = "select id from questions where orig_ID = " . $id; $result = mysqli_query($local, $query); $num_questions = mysqli_num_rows($result); if (!$result || ($num_questions == "" || $num_questions == 0)) { $load_questions = "insert into questions (game_round, game_date, qno, question, answer, host_info, display_category, question_set_id, media_question, media_question_url, media_answer, media_answer_url, answerofnight, hintofweek, region_ID, orig_ID) values ('" . $game_round . "', '" . $q_game_date . "', " . $qno . ", '" . $question . "', '" . $answer . "', '" . $host_info . "', '" . $display_category . "', '" . $show_qsi . "', '" . $media_question . "', '" . $media_question_url . "', '" . $media_answer . "', '" . $media_answer_url . "', '" . $answerofnight . "', '" . $hintofweek . "', '" . $q_region_ID . "', '" . $id . "')"; //echo $load_questions . "
"; mysqli_query($local, $load_questions); } //mkdir('Y'); //echo getcwd() . "
"; } //chdir('..'); //include get images... $a = ($a + 1); } chdir('..'); //echo getcwd() . "
"; #end questions $url = "Location: loader.php?m=freqplayed&show_loc_ID=".$show_loc_ID."&show_show_ID=".$show_show_ID."&show_game_date=".$show_game_date."&qsi=".$qsi."&show_type=".$show_type; header($url); } elseif ($m == "pregame") { #begin preggame //echo "
".$pregame; //echo "Getting PreGame Slides
"; $xa = explode("^*^", $pregame); $num_pre = ($xa[0] + 1); //echo $num_pre; $xb = explode("|", $xa[1]); //echo $xb."
"; $a = 0; chdir('images'); mkdir('pre'); chdir('pre'); //echo getcwd()."
"; $delete = "delete from pregame_screens where loc_ID = ".$show_loc_ID." and show_ID = ".$show_show_ID; mysqli_query($local, $delete); while ($a < $num_pre) { //echo $a."
"; $pre_info = $xb[$a]; $xc = explode("^^", $pre_info); //echo $pre_info."
"; $pre_title = $xc[0]; $start_date = $xc[1]; $end_date = $xc[2]; $screen_pos = $xc[3]; $screen_url = $xc[4]; //echo $screen_url."
"; $date_added = $xc[5]; $added_by = $xc[6]; $remote_ad = $xc[7]; //echo $remote_ad."
"; $local_ad = $xc[8]; //echo $local_ad; $ps_loc_ID = $xc[9]; $ps_show_ID = $xc[10]; $pregame_active = $xc[11]; if ($pre_title != "" && $pre_title != $last_title) { $cquery = "select * from pregame_screens where screen_url = '" . $screen_url . "' and loc_ID = " . $show_loc_ID . " and show_ID = " . $show_show_ID; $cresult = mysqli_query($local, $cquery); $cnum = mysqli_num_rows($cresult); if ($cnum == 0 || $cnum == "" || !$cresult) { //echo $cquery."
"; if (file_exists($local_ad)) { $exists = 'Y'; //don't do anything } else { $exists = 'N'; //echo $pre_title." does not exist
"; if (!copy($remote_ad, $local_ad)) { echo "COULD NOT COPY " . $remote_ad; } } $insert = "insert into pregame_screens (loc_ID, show_ID, pre_title, start_date, end_date, screen_pos, screen_url, date_added, added_by) values (" . $show_loc_ID . ", " . $show_show_ID . ", '" . $pre_title . "', '" . $start_date . "', '" . $end_date . "', '" . $screen_pos . "', '" . $screen_url . "', '" . $date_added . "', '" . $added_by . "')"; //echo $insert . "
"; mysqli_query($local, $insert); } } $last_title = $pre_title; $a = ($a + 1); } chdir('..'); chdir('..'); //echo getcwd(); $xa = ""; $xb = ""; $xc = ""; //are there pregame screens? #end pregame $url = "Location: loader.php?m=&v=DONE&show_loc_ID=".$show_loc_ID."&show_show_ID=".$show_show_ID."&show_game_date=".$show_game_date."&qsi=".$qsi."&show_type=".$show_type; header($url); } elseif ($m == "adspace") { #begin ad space //echo "
".$adspace; //echo "Getting AdSpace
"; $xa = explode("^*^", $adspace); $xb = explode("|", $xa[1]); $num_ads = ($xa[0] + 1); chdir('images'); mkdir('ads'); chdir('ads'); //echo getcwd()."
"; $a = 0; $delete = "delete from adspace where loc_ID = ".$show_loc_ID." and show_ID = ".$show_show_ID; mysqli_query($local, $delete); while ($a < $num_ads) { $ad_info = $xb[$a]; //echo $ad_info."
"; $xc = explode("^^", $ad_info); $sortID = $xc[0]; $title = $xc[1]; $remote_ad = $xc[2]; //echo $remote_ad."
"; $imgurl = $xc[3]; //echo $imgurl."
"; $adtext = $xc[4]; $date_added = $xc[5]; $start_date = $xc[6]; $end_date = $xc[7]; $adType = $xc[8]; $refresh = $xc[9]; $a_loc_ID = $xc[10]; $a_show_ID = $xc[11]; if ($adType == "image") { //$remote_ad = "https://www.triviocity.com/game/" . $imgurl; $imgurl = str_replace("images/ads/" . $region_ID . "/", "", $imgurl); $local_ad = $imgurl; //echo $remote_ad." | ".$local_ad."
"; if (file_exists($local_ad)) { $exists = 'Y'; //don't do anything } else { $exists = 'N'; copy($remote_ad, $local_ad); } $imgurl = "images/ads/" . $imgurl; } // if (($last_title!=$title) && $title!="") { $cquery = "select * from adspace where imgurl = '" . $imgurl . "' and loc_ID = " . $show_loc_ID . " and show_ID = " . $show_show_ID; $cresult = mysqli_query($local, $cquery); $cnum = mysqli_num_rows($cresult); if ($cnum == 0 || $cnum == "" || !$cresult) { $insert = "insert into adspace (sortID, show_ID, loc_ID, title, imgurl, adtext, date_added, start_date, end_date, adType, refresh) values (" . $sortID . ", " . $a_show_ID . ", " . $a_loc_ID . ", '" . $title . "', '" . $imgurl . "', '" . $adtext . "', '" . $date_added . "', '" . $start_date . "', '" . $end_date . "', '" . $adType . "', " . $refresh . ")"; mysqli_query($local, $insert); } //echo $insert."
"; //} // $last_title = $title; $a = ($a + 1); } chdir('..'); chdir('..'); $xa = ""; $xb = ""; $xc = ""; //$last_title = ""; #end ad space if ($show_type=="trivia") { $url = "Location: loader.php?m=load_images&show_loc_ID=".$show_loc_ID."&show_show_ID=".$show_show_ID."&show_game_date=".$show_game_date."&qsi=".$qsi."&show_type=".$show_type; } else { $url = "Location: loader.php?m=feud&show_loc_ID=".$show_loc_ID."&show_show_ID=".$show_show_ID."&show_game_date=".$show_game_date."&qsi=".$qsi."&show_type=".$show_type; } header($url); } elseif ($m=="load_images") { chdir('inserts'); $query = "select media_answer, media_answer_url, media_question, media_question_url, question_set_id from questions where game_date = '".$show_game_date."' and question_set_id = ".$qsi; //echo $query."
"; $result = mysqli_query($local, $query); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $media_answer = $row['media_answer']; $media_answer_url = $row['media_answer_url']; $media_question = $row['media_question']; $media_question_url = $row['media_question_url']; $x = explode("-", $show_game_date); $year = $x[0]; $month = $x[1]; $day = $x[2]; $question_set_id = $row['question_set_id']; if ($media_answer == 1) { mkdir($year, 0777); chdir($year); mkdir($month, 0777); chdir($month); mkdir($show_game_date, 0777); chdir($show_game_date); mkdir($question_set_id, 0777); chdir($question_set_id); //echo getcwd()."
"; //echo "WITH QUESTION SET ID: " . getcwd(); $webimage = 'https://www.triviocity.com/game/inserts/' . $year . '/' . $month . '/' . $show_game_date . '/' . $question_set_id . '/' . $media_answer_url; //echo $webimage."
"; if (!copy($webimage, $media_answer_url)) { //echo "COULD NOT DOWNLOAD " . $webimage . "
"; } chdir('..'); chdir('..'); chdir('..'); chdir('..'); } } chdir('..'); $url = "Location: loader.php?m=pregame&show_loc_ID=".$show_loc_ID."&show_show_ID=".$show_show_ID."&show_game_date=".$show_game_date."&qsi=".$qsi."&show_type=".$show_type; header($url); } elseif ($m == "freqplayed") { #begin freqplayed $drop = "DROP TABLE scores_".$region_ID; mysqli_query($local, $drop); $create = "CREATE TABLE `scores_".$region_ID."` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `teamname` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `loc_ID` int(11) NOT NULL, `show_ID` int(11) NOT NULL, `region_ID` int(11) NOT NULL, `team_ID` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1"; mysqli_query($local, $create); $remote_sql = "https://www.triviocity.com/local_files/league_teams.sql"; $local_sql = "league_teams.sql"; copy($remote_sql, $local_sql); //import league_teams.sql $query = ''; $sqlScript = file($local_sql); foreach ($sqlScript as $line) { $startWith = substr(trim($line), 0, 2); $endWith = substr(trim($line), -1, 1); if (empty($line) || $startWith == '--' || $startWith == '/*' || $startWith == '//') { continue; } $query = $query . $line; if ($endWith == ';') { mysqli_query($local, $query); $query = ''; } } //echo $freqplayed."
"; $xa = explode("^*^|", $freqplayed); $num_t = ($xa[0] + 1); //echo $num_t."
"; $xb = explode("|", $xa[1]); $a = 0; //echo "
"; while ($a < $num_t) { $team_info = $xb[$a]; //echo $team_info."
"; $xc = explode("^^", $team_info); $team_ID = $xc[0]; $teamname = addslashes($xc[1]); $team_loc = $xc[2]; $team_show = $xc[3]; if ($team_ID != "") { $query = "select team_ID from scores_" . $region_ID . " where team_ID = " . $team_ID . " and loc_ID = " . $team_loc . " and show_ID = " . $team_show; //echo $query . "
"; $result = mysqli_query($local, $query); $num = mysqli_num_rows($result); if ($num == 0 || $num == "") { $insert = "insert into scores_" . $region_ID . " (team_ID, teamname, loc_ID, show_ID, region_ID) values (" . $team_ID . ", '" . $teamname . "', " . $team_loc . ", " . $team_show . ", " . $region_ID . ")"; //echo $insert."
"; mysqli_query($local, $insert); } } $a = ($a + 1); } $url = "Location: loader.php?m=adspace&show_loc_ID=".$show_loc_ID."&show_show_ID=".$show_show_ID."&show_game_date=".$show_game_date."&qsi=".$qsi."&show_type=".$show_type; header($url); #end freq played } elseif ($m=="feud") { $dow_D = date('D'); //show existing sets if ($dow_D=="Mon") { $day_math = "0 days"; } elseif ($dow_D=="Tue") { $day_math = "1 days"; } elseif ($dow_D=="Wed") { $day_math = "2 days"; } elseif ($dow_D=="Thu") { $day_math = "3 days"; } elseif ($dow_D=="Fri") { $day_math = "4 days"; } elseif ($dow_D=="Sat") { $day_math = "5 days"; } elseif ($dow_D=="Sun") { $day_math = "6 days"; } $query_date = date('Y-m-d'); $date = date_create($query_date); date_sub($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string($day_math)); $start_date = date_format($date, 'Y-m-d'); $query = "select * from feud_sets where weekstart = '".$start_date."'"; $result = mysqli_query($local, $query); $num = mysqli_num_rows($result); ?> Team Trivia | Local Loader

"; $x = explode("^*^", $feud); $feud_surveys = $x[0]; $feud_responses = $x[1]; $feud_set = $x[2]; // echo $feud_set."
"; $xf = explode("^^", $feud_set); $insert = "insert into feud_sets (set_name, added_by, date_created, weekstart, question_set_id, set_ID) values ('".$xf[0]."', '".$xf[1]."','".$xf[2]."','".$xf[3]."','".$xf[4]."', '".$xf[5]."')"; mysqli_query($local, $insert); while ($a < 20) { $xb = explode("|", $feud_surveys); $xc = $xb[$a]; $xd = explode("^^", $xc); $sRound = $xd[0]; $sNo = $xd[1]; $survey = addslashes($xd[2]); $response1 = addslashes($xd[3]); $response2 = addslashes($xd[4]); $response3 = addslashes($xd[5]); $response4 = addslashes($xd[6]); $response5 = addslashes($xd[7]); $sID = $xd[8]; $set_ID = $xd[9]; if ($sRound!="") { $insert = "insert into feud_surveys_host (sRound, sNo, survey, response1, response2, response3, response4, response5, sID, user_ID, set_ID) values ('" . $sRound . "', " . $sNo . ", '" . $survey . "', '" . $response1 . "', '" . $response2 . "', '" . $response3 . "', '" . $response4 . "', '" . $response5 . "', " . $sID . ", ".$user_ID.", ".$set_ID.")"; //echo $insert . "
"; mysqli_query($local, $insert); } $a = ($a + 1); } $a = 0; while ($a < 83) { $xb = explode("|", $feud_responses); $xc = $xb[$a]; // echo $a.": ".$xc."
"; $xd = explode("^^", $xc); $response_rank = $xd[0]; $response = addslashes($xd[1]); $hint = $xd[2]; $sID = $xd[3]; $set_ID = $xd[4]; if ($response_rank!="") { $insert = "insert into feud_responses_host (response_rank, response, hint, sID, set_ID, user_ID) values (" . $response_rank . ", '" . $response . "', '" . $hint . "', " . $sID . ", " . $set_ID . ", " . $user_ID . ")"; //echo $insert."
"; mysqli_query($local, $insert); } $a = ($a + 1); } $url = "Location: loader.php?m=adspace&show_loc_ID=".$show_loc_ID."&show_show_ID=".$show_show_ID."&show_game_date=".$show_game_date."&qsi=".$qsi."&show_type=".$show_type; header($url); }